In my previous post, I summarized the NFT through a very famous digital artwork.
I tried to make it as easy to understand as possible without being boring, but what do you think・・・?
Considering the fact that technology is the only thing that has never gone backwards in the history, I believe that it is not a waste of time to learn a little bit about NFT and blockchain today.
Today I would like to introduce you to some positive and energetic digital artworks that will make you happy!
日本から約9,000キロ離れた南東ヨーロッパのバルカン半島に位置するセルビア共和国。首都ベオグラード在住のVesna Filipovicはインスピレーションの源であるファッションの世界にテクノロジーを組み合わせ大胆な色彩が印象的なポップで明るく愛おしいキャラクターたちを生み出しています。
The Republic of Serbia is located on the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe, about 9,000 km away from Japan. Vesna Filipovic, who lives in the capital Belgrade, create pop, bright, and adorable characters with bold colors. combining the world of fashion, which is her source of inspiration.
” この複雑な時代に、シンプルでクリアーでありながらも心を動かすものに目を向ける必要性を感じています。色彩と私たちが互いにコミュニケーションをとれたときユニークな感情が生まれます。" ー Vesna Filipovic
" In these complex times, I feel the need to rest my eyes on something simple, clear, basic yet poetic. The way colors communicate with us and with each other creates unique emotions. " - Vesna Filipovic
Here is sexy Marilyn Monroe!
The magic of being Marilyn Monroe with just a simple, geometric design!
Do you know who she is?
Yayoi Kusama, the Japanese art master!
Isn't she a cute girl but properly Yayoi Kusama?
The 70x100cm dynamic artwork will brighten up the atmosphere of a room when displayed as an interior.
It is a piece of artwork that will give a punch to a gloomy Monday morning.
This is Jean Paul Gaultier!
The unique geometric pattern expresses his personality.
” 色の組み合わせは私にとってとても重要です。
色は息づき、ストーリーを織りなす。シンプルでありながら私にとってはとても心を動かされる。その躍動感はポジティブでエネルギッシュなのです。” ー Vesna Filipovic
" Color composition is very important to me. I like how certain colors interact with each other and have a new dimension in their correlation, and when they are bordered by the white lines they have their own space. The color breathes and tells a story. It’s simple, yet very poetic to me. Its vibrancy is very positive and energetic.“ ー Vesna Filipovic
The digital art created by Vesna is not limited to the screens of smartphones and PCs, but blends seamlessly into the real world.
Vesna says that it is precisely because it is digital art that she pursues reality with such thorough attention to detail.
これらはVesnaのポップアートをベースにした「LMD Clique」シリーズから一部ピックアップしてご紹介させていただきましたがClique【クリーク】ってどういう意味かご存じですか?直訳すると”小さなグループ”という意味なのですがなぜこのネーミングにしたのか聞いたところ、由来はこちらの本。
These are picked from Vesna's "LMD Clique" series, which is based on pop art. The literal translation of the word is "small group," but when I asked her why she chosed this name, she told me that it came from this book.
2007年に出版されたAlicia Drakeによる『The Beautiful Fall』はイヴ・サンローランとカール・ラガーフェルドという二人のデザイナーのストーリーを描いたもの。
Published in 2007, 「The Beautiful Fall」 by Alicia Drake tells the story of two designers, Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld.
In it, she describes them and their friends as "Clique.". which means "a small but special circle of friends with special abilities".
Inspired by this story, Vesna calls the characters she draws "Clique" as a sign of respect.
” LMD Cliqueは私たちの世界を彩り、想像力を広げ、様々な形で文化の変革に影響を与えたものづくりへのオマージュです。” ーVesna Filipovic
" LMD Clique is a tribute to creatives that colored our world, widened our imagination, and whose work influenced cultural transformation in many ways." ーVesna Filipovic
I have never been interested in digital art because I have always imagined it to be devoid of human elements, but the digital art created by Vesna, which is a cross between technology and humanity, has a unique human temperature.
Therefore, limited edition of giclee prints in 70x100cm size are available, so that you can enjoy the digital art in your real world as well.
NFT can be added to such digital art to expand its range of possibilities.
For example, those who do not have space to display physical art can enjoy it on a digital space (metaverse!), or use it as an icon for SNS such as Twitter.
What is possible because it is digital and what is overwhelming because it is physical.
I think that one of the ways to enjoy art in 2023 is to experience the speedy and seamless transition between the digital and physical worlds through the technology of NFT, and to integrate it into our daily lives.